Michael Wise

April 4, 2019

On-line Weather Station – Dick Scobee Memorial Airfields

The Bayou City Flyers RC club has established a weather station at the powered RC flying field within the Dick Scobee Memorial Airfields. The weather is accessible on-line at two locations: Weather Underground and Ambient Weather by going to the top right of the home page and clicking on the presented links. This is a significant accomplishment as there has never been a weather station at Scobee that was available on-line. Thanks to club members Corrie Poole and Garry Woodhouse along with others for completing this very helpful project.
March 4, 2019

How to Find a Plane in the Woods

Bayou City Flyers RC club member and Club Secretary, John Haskell, has written an article which includes annotated photographs about using an Inspire 2 drone to locate RC aircraft lost in the woods north of the powered RC flying area at Dick Scobee Memorial Airfields. The article can be accessed by clicking on the title of this post then clicking on the “blue” text. How to find a plane in the woods
March 4, 2019

Paul Curry – Flight Instructor

Bayou City Flyers member Paul Curry has volunteered to serve as a Flight Instructor at the powered RC flight area at Dick Scobee Memorial Airfields. Paul – thank you. Paul’s availability and contact information can be found in the Members & Membership section of this website. Jeff Trotter is the other Bayou City Flyers Flight Instructor. We need more instructors! BCF members – please contact club leadership about your willingness and availability so your name and contact information can be posted on the website.
March 2, 2019

March 2019 Club Information

Thirteen new photos taken on March 2, 2019 have been added (# 2 – 14) to the BCF Photo Album .  Go to Media – Photos – Bayou City Flyers.  George Lumpkins’ 20th article entitled “Extra Parts Laying Around the Shop” has been added to the Member’s Corner section of the website.  To access it, member’s must be registered to enter the Member Documents section of the website.
February 3, 2019

February 25, 2019: FAA sUAS Registration

Effective Monday February 25, 2019, the FAA requires that all sUAS’s (multi-rotor ‘drone’, fixed wing aircraft or helicopter) have an FAA Registration number placed on an exterior surface of each airborne vehicle.  This applies to commercially or recreationally flown sUAS’s. Recreationally flown vehicles should also have the ‘National Community Organization’ identification number on the aircraft in a location that can be located without the use of any tool.  The AMA information can be on an internal or external surface of the plane.  For Scobee field, this is the AMA number of the recreational pilot. Please note that a fine to the […]
January 31, 2019

Planes of the Month

During the February 2019 BCF club meeting we had three entries for “Plane of the Month”: 1 – Kit, 1 – ARF and 1 – BARF.  As a result, all three entries have been posted to the homepage which has resulted in the PoM relocation from the right sidebar to below the scrolling information posts within “Planes of the Month“.  Doing so has allowed the publishing of more descriptive content for each plane.  Clicking on each image will result in the image expanding.  Enjoy.
January 5, 2019

January 5, 2019: A Beautiful Day to Fly RC

January 5, 2019 was a beautiful day to fly powered RC aircraft at Dick Scobee Memorial Airfield. It would be great if every day in Houston was like today! Pictures of today’s flying have been posted to the Media – Photos – Bayou City Flyers section of this website. Photos 2 – 22 are those from January 5, 2019. Click on the title of this post to access the photos
December 1, 2018

BCF – December 2018 Club Meeting Photos at Rudy’s

The December 2018 Bayou City Flyers club meeting was held at Rudy’s “Country Store” and Bar-B-Q located at 21799 Katy Freeway, Katy, TX on December 1, 2018. Members voted for 2019 leadership and each member received a raffle ticket. Club President Art Alvarez acknowledged contributions of club members during the past year. Attending membership enjoyed a delicious Bar-B-Q meal which was followed by the raffle drawing. Club Officers for 2019 are: Art Alvarez – President Garry Woodhouse – Vice President Max Burton – Treasurer John Haskell – Secretary For pictures of the event Click on the title of this post.
October 22, 2018

FAA NOTAM / TFR – October 22, 2018

An FAA NOTAM/TFR has been issued for Houston, TX and the surrounding areas for Monday, October 22 from 4:15 pm CDT to 8:30 pm CDT. The TFR is issued for security purposes to cover VIP movement in this area. Outdoor radio control model aircraft operations are prohibited within a 30 nm radius (applicable to Scobee Field) for the specific times listed below. Control Line and Free Flight modelers should use discretion when operating within the TFR. Please note that TFRs are subject to change with very short notice. Check back often for the most current NOTAM/TFR information. See the links […]