
September 27, 2024

April 2025 S.E. Texas R/C Scale Competition

Invitation to ‘ALL’ pilots. This is an AMA Sanctioned AA Fixed Wing Sportsman/Sport Scale Contest at Bayou City Flyers and Fort Bend R/C clubs. If you were ever interested in some scale competition, then this is the event for you. All Pilots of R/C scale foamies, scale ARF’s, Kits, Scratch & Plan built have the opportunity to participate. Start planing and working today! This is one event you won’t want to miss!
November 6, 2023

Membership New or Renewal

When renewing or submitting your membership form please DO NOT GO STRAIGHT TO PAYPAL and send your fee. Please use the online application that is provided on the website. After completing your form, you will have the option to pay with PayPal or with a Credit Card. There is also a option to print out your form and pay by check. DO NOT SEND CASH! You can then either mail your form or drop it off at the mailbox at the field. Whatever method you choose, paying directly to PayPal without filling out the application causes issues with our system […]
January 7, 2023

Members Website Access

Folks, seems to be some misunderstanding on use of website. Members have to REGISTER on the website SEPARATELY from their club membership as a website User. The two items ARE NOT related. Once they have registered as a club member then register as a Website User (Under the Member & Membership Tab) if they want access to the website members only documents and information. The website manager will approve the registration once entered.