How Do I Start?
OK. You're ready to get started in flying Radio Control, so where to start?
There are just a few simple steps needed to get you into the "pilot's seat"!

JOIN AMA / FAA Registration
Go to the AMA website via the JOIN AMA link below. AMA membership is a prerequisite for membership in Bayou City Flyers (BCF) and to fly at any AMA Charted Club flying field. AMA provides several membership options based on age and preferences including a 3-month trial and FREE Youth membership (under age 19).
AMA also provides many other benefits including liability insurance, membership representation with the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), the NAA (National Aeronautics Association) and the FAI (Federation Aeronautique Internationale).
If you join online, you can print off a temporary membership card which allows you to start flying now! Contact Membership Services at 1-800-935-9262 and watch the GET STARTED video at www.amaflightschool.org/get-started
Since Feb. 25, 2019 the FAA now requires all UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) be registered and marked. Please register with the FAA to obtain your FAA registration number. Model aircraft have a registration exception, and the use of your number and marking your aircraft is explained in this AMA video that is on our website.
Or go to: faadronezone.faa.gov to register or call (877) 396-4636 if you need help.
Go to the AMA website via the JOIN AMA link below. AMA membership is a prerequisite for membership in Bayou City Flyers (BCF) and to fly at any AMA Charted Club flying field. AMA provides several membership options based on age and preferences including a 3-month trial and FREE Youth membership (under age 19).
AMA also provides many other benefits including liability insurance, membership representation with the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), the NAA (National Aeronautics Association) and the FAI (Federation Aeronautique Internationale).
If you join online, you can print off a temporary membership card which allows you to start flying now! Contact Membership Services at 1-800-935-9262 and watch the GET STARTED video at www.amaflightschool.org/get-started
Since Feb. 25, 2019 the FAA now requires all UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) be registered and marked. Please register with the FAA to obtain your FAA registration number. Model aircraft have a registration exception, and the use of your number and marking your aircraft is explained in this AMA video that is on our website.
Or go to: faadronezone.faa.gov to register or call (877) 396-4636 if you need help.

CLICK ON JOIN BCF On the page that opens you may choose whether to download the paper form which can then be mailed in, or to register online using our online form. Using the online option will require you to use your credit card at PayPal.
To visit our flying field, see the map here. Our address is 17260 Westheimer Parkway, Houston, TX, 77082. This is on the West side of Houston in George Bush Park which is located in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers flood control reservoir area, west along Hwy 6. Come out any day that the wind is less than 10 to 15 mph (you can check the weather on our website) to visit and talk with some of the members. Or feel free to call any of our club officers.
Please come to one of our monthly meetings (10am, First Saturday of each Month at field club house) to introduce yourself and meet our members and officers. Stick around after the meeting and have a hamburger with us, and start flying with a club trainer or your own plane. BCF is an active club with about 200 members that promotes all types of flying, youth programs, education, annual events, swap meets and contests.
CLICK ON JOIN BCF On the page that opens you may choose whether to download the paper form which can then be mailed in, or to register online using our online form. Using the online option will require you to use your credit card at PayPal.
To visit our flying field, see the map here. Our address is 17260 Westheimer Parkway, Houston, TX, 77082. This is on the West side of Houston in George Bush Park which is located in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers flood control reservoir area, west along Hwy 6. Come out any day that the wind is less than 10 to 15 mph (you can check the weather on our website) to visit and talk with some of the members. Or feel free to call any of our club officers.
Please come to one of our monthly meetings (10am, First Saturday of each Month at field club house) to introduce yourself and meet our members and officers. Stick around after the meeting and have a hamburger with us, and start flying with a club trainer or your own plane. BCF is an active club with about 200 members that promotes all types of flying, youth programs, education, annual events, swap meets and contests.

With your membership application completed, we will talk with you about your need for instruction. An instructor will help teach you how to fly. This person will help you pick out a trainer plane. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND you do not go out by yourself and purchase a plane before meeting with our instructors. This is a very important decision based on your preferences and where you want to go in the hobby and sport. There is no charge for you to learn to fly. Your instructor will help you estimate the cost of getting started including plane, batteries, fuel and all needed accessories.
There are a number of RC Flight Simulators available today. One of the most popular is REALFLIGHT. BCF has a RealFlight simulator setup for you to learn and practice with. For more information about RealFlight, see the video on our Videos page.
Finally, our club views SAFETY as our number one goal. Your instructor will direct you in this area. We have a safety director that oversees our flying and every member accepts the responsibility of helping others to have a safe day flying. Our number two goal is to have FUN flying. We look forward to meeting you and helping you enjoy the hobby and sport of Radio Control Flying!
With your membership application completed, we will talk with you about your need for instruction. An instructor will help teach you how to fly. This person will help you pick out a trainer plane. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND you do not go out by yourself and purchase a plane before meeting with our instructors. This is a very important decision based on your preferences and where you want to go in the hobby and sport. There is no charge for you to learn to fly. Your instructor will help you estimate the cost of getting started including plane, batteries, fuel and all needed accessories.
There are a number of RC Flight Simulators available today. One of the most popular is REALFLIGHT. BCF has a RealFlight simulator setup for you to learn and practice with. For more information about RealFlight, see the video on our Videos page.
Finally, our club views SAFETY as our number one goal. Your instructor will direct you in this area. We have a safety director that oversees our flying and every member accepts the responsibility of helping others to have a safe day flying. Our number two goal is to have FUN flying. We look forward to meeting you and helping you enjoy the hobby and sport of Radio Control Flying!
This website is provided for informational purposes only. The Bayou City Flyers (BCF) makes no warranties, either express or implied. Information in this website, including maps, URL and other web site references, are subject to change without notice.This website provides general information only. No direct or implicit recommendations are given in this web site. The Bayou City Flyers (BCF) disclaims all responsibility for any loss or damage which any person may suffer from reliance on this information.