Michael Wise

December 16, 2016

Lost and Found RC Models

BCF member John Haskell has explored the wild country north of the runway and located a number of models. He has written a short descriptive document, taken pictures of the models and posted their location on a map. This information is available to BCF members registered to access the Member Documents section of the website. If you have lost a model or know of a someone who has, check out this information. It is believed John will periodically update this information. If you find a lost model not currently identified, please contact the owner if so identified and contact John […]
September 29, 2016

BCF Website

Full website functionality has been restored. Please let Jonathan Gulick, BCF Secretary and Website Coordinator, know if you believe it has not.
September 5, 2016

New – Clubhouse Raised & Leveled

Drake Housemoving has successfully raised and leveled the clubhouse. The work started on Monday August 29th and was completed on Wednesday August 31st. The clubhouse is now 24 inches higher than it was during the April – June 2016 flooding. Jerry Gaidosik coordinated the work – thank you Jerry.
June 15, 2016

Access to DSMA’s Open – June 15, 2016

June 15, 2016: Flood water within the Barker reservoir dropped sufficiently to enable driving access & parking within DSMA’s today. A significant amount of water remains so RC pilots are advised to use caution as water surrounds the runway and covers the helicopter / multirotor flight area. The circular concrete control line flying pads are accessible and above water. For those that track it, the 91.6ft (radar sensor) benchmark water level in the Barker reservoir (access to DSMA’s) was reached at 1.15pm today.
April 24, 2016

Access – Dick Scobee Memorial Airfields

June 14, 2016 (2000hrs) update: Over the 24 hour period from 0000hrs 13 June to 0000hrs 14 June the water level in the Barker reservoir increased 0.02 ft with no rain observed. From 0000hrs to 2000hrs today the water level has dropped to 91.75 ft for an estimated 24 hr rate of 0.20 ft /day which is a significant improvement over some recent days (thanks Mark Troutman). To summarize, due to Saturday’s rain and subsequent rate of drainage it took an estimated 49 hours to get back to where we were. It is believed the gate at Dick Scobee Drive […]
March 17, 2016

New – Updates to the Website (March 2016)

There are several new features to the website. First, within the Member Documents section is a new section called “Member’s Corner” where more detailed information about the RC creativity of BCF members can be posted which the Tips & Tricks section cannot accommodate. George Lumpkins has submitted information on five (5) interesting projects which include pictures. Thank you, George. Check-out this section to learn how to submit information on your RC projects. Within the Media – Photos section are two new Photo Galleries: Bayou City Flyers – Swap Meet (March 12, 2016) and Glenn Snedden’s Beaver Flight – Lake Scobee […]
February 1, 2016

Digital Scale – Weights for RC Plane

An efficient way to determine how much weight you need to add to your plane to balance it is to put coins on the plane then weigh the coins and covert the weight to an equivalent weight of lead. A handy scale is a 0 – 5 lb digital food scale which can measure in 1/8 oz or 1 gram increments. The photo shows the scale I use which I bought at Target which I use exclusively for balancing the plane. Email
January 31, 2016

RC Plane Work & Transport Stand

For a robust way to work on your plane and transport it to / from the flying field, build a stand from 3/4″ PVC pipe, 3/4″ pipe flanges, stainless steel screws, pipe insulation and poplar. It takes about 4 hours to build, but the effort is worth it. With my stand I can work on the plane in normal orientation or upside down. When upside down I can attach and remove the wings. Email
January 31, 2016

Balance of a Tail Heavy Plane

If you discover your plane is tail heavy when you balance it for the first time, first ensure your battery or other “heavy” objects already in the plane are as far forward as possible. Once done consider moving the engine further forward by adding spacer washers between the engine mount and the firewall. Email