Fort Bend RC & Bayou City Flyers hosted a Junior ROTC training day on April 2nd at the Fort Bend RC Field.
Twenty-five cadets from the following area high schools attended: Dulles, Elkins & Kempner AF. The purpose of the event was to introduce the cadets to the basics of RC Modelling and how to fly model trainers.
The cadets started their day practicing on simulators, then moved on to flying trainers. Each cadet had at least 4 training sessions, and a few even learned to take-off and land independently.
Seven teams of pilots, instructors and spotters from both clubs spent 5 hours teaching the cadets to fly. The Training Teams from BCF included Max Burton, George Lumpkins, Jessica Haskell, Jerry Wilson, and Keith Ratliff.
During the lunch break the cadets were entertained by many expert demo flights by BCF pilots: Rick Hooks, Tri Luu, Tuan Lam, and George Lumpkins.
The ROTC leader, Major Ronald Hawn, expressed his appreciation to both clubs and said the cadets learned a lot. Most of all, they had FUN!
Bayou City Flyers will host this ROTC group at Scobee Field on Oct. 22, 2022, and we hope to have many more volunteers.