
May 21, 2022

BCF/ Ron Mers Memorial Warbird Event – July 15-16, 2022

Join us JULY 15-16th at Dick Scobee Field in Houston for our Ron Mers Memorial Warbird Event, dedicated to our late friend and longtime BCF member, Mr. Ron Mers (USAF Ret.). Returning after a year due to Covid and flying in memorial remembrance to Ron. Thanks to sponsor Randy Hobbies! ANY SIZE WARBIRD or POWER! RAFFLE with great prizes, Awards, FREE ice-cold water & popsicles. Summertime heat, great flying with the wind normally down the runway. CONTACT: Corey Johnson / 281-782-4885 /
April 21, 2022

NO “Thunder Over Roundtop” in 2022

Randy Larsen just posted to the TWT pilots and friends that there will be NO Thunder over Roundtop event this year. It’s unfortunate that such a fantastic effort last year won’t be repeated again. There were no reasons given other than the event won’t be hosted there again. Randy said to say “THANK YOU” to everyone that was involved from pilots, volunteers, sponsors, etc. that made the event so successful.
April 6, 2022

Fort Bend RC & BCF ROTC Training Event

Fort Bend RC & Bayou City Flyers hosted a Junior ROTC training day on April 2nd at the Fort Bend RC Field. Twenty-five cadets from the following area high schools attended: Dulles, Elkins & Kempner AF. The purpose of the event was to introduce the cadets to the basics of RC Modelling and how to fly model trainers. The cadets started their day practicing on simulators, then moved on to flying trainers. Each cadet had at least 4 training sessions, and a few even learned to take-off and land independently. Seven teams of pilots, instructors and spotters from both clubs spent 5 hours teaching the cadets to fly. The Training Teams from BCF included Max Burton, George Lumpkins, Jessica Haskell, Jerry Wilson, and Keith Ratliff. During the lunch break the cadets were entertained by many expert demo flights by BCF pilots: Rick Hooks, Tri Luu, Tuan Lam, and George Lumpkins. The ROTC leader, Major Ronald Hawn, expressed his appreciation to both clubs and said the cadets learned a lot. Most of all, they had FUN! Bayou City Flyers will host this ROTC group at Scobee Field on Oct. 22, 2022, and we hope to have many more volunteers.
February 14, 2022

Ron Mers, BCF Officer at Large Passes

Ronald (Ron) Eugene Mers, 80, of Fulshear, Texas, passed away Saturday February 5th, 2022 surrounded by his loving family. He was born on October 17, 1941 in Huntington, West Virginia to Raymond Mers and Dorothy Johnson. Ron graduated from Suitland High School, Maryland and served in the Air Force for over 29 years. He served as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician. He retired from service as a Chief Master Sergeant in 1990. Ronald is survived by his wife, Patricia Mers, of 29 years; his daughter Terri Cooke; his son Ronald Howard Mers; his grandchildren; Taylor Moore, Paige Stephens, Drew […]
February 3, 2022

Thunder Over Round Top R/C Expo 2022!

If you haven’t yet seen the Feb. 2022 issue of Model Aviation please go look at the article covering this first ever event. Waiting on the Texas Warbird Thunder group’s post-event review from their first ever Thunder Over Round Top R/C Expo held November 11-13, 2021 at 3344 South Weyand Road, in Round Top, TX 78954 before they release 2022 dates. Last year was fantastic! Look at article here: This multi-day event had over 88 registered flyers, full scale warbird flyovers, and a awesome exhibits of R/C models, cars and equipment in TEXAS! If you missed it you missed […]
January 8, 2022

2022 Bayou City Flyers Officers

Congratulations to our 2022 Officers who are returning to serve once again.   2022 BCF OFFICERS:President – Max BurtonVice President – Gary WoodhouseTreasurer – Rudy VillarrealSecretary – Gerry WilsonOffice at Large – Ron Mers Mike Wise – Website Manager, Joe Chauffe, NOTAM Newsletter Editor.  The Notam will be published quarterly and available on the website with all issues under the Members & Membership Tab. 2022 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE. Please Renew or Join US. Stay Safe and Come Fly With US!