Online Renewal for Lifetime Members Only!

Use the form below to renew your Lifetime Membership. Please use the paper copy if you prefer NOT to renew online.
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Lifetime Member Online Renewal


    2025 Lifetime Renewal Membership Application

    Personal Information


    License Information

    (Please see below for important AMA Number and FAA sUAS registration information)

    BCF Positions and AMA Qualifications: waivers, instructor, Contest Director (Required)

    Primary area of interest:

    I hereby agree to comply with all the AMA SAFETY CODES, HARRIS COUNTY PARKS DEPARTMENT, and BAYOU
    CITY FLYERS Field Safety and Flying Rules for all model aircraft operations at Dick Scobee Memorial Field facility, Houston
    Texas. I further agree to abide by and comply with the Bayou City Flyers Club Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules, and to
    any changes or modifications that may be made to them during my membership period. I understand and agree that as a
    condition of membership my failure to comply with all the applicable SAFETY & FLYING RULES and/or failure to conduct
    myself in a Gentlemanly / Lady-Like manner will result in the revoking of my membership. I understand and agree to provide
    the AMA and a BAYOU CITY FLYERS OFFICER written notice within thirty (30) days of an occurrence of any incident of
    bodily injury and/or property damage. I am very aware that model aircraft operations present hazards, and I EXEMPT AND
    HOLD HARMLESS BAYOU CITY FLYERS, its OFFICERS and MEMBERS from all liability including personal injury,
    property damage, or death caused by my, or my guest’s actions.

    AMA License & FAA sUAS Registration Number Info

    Your temporary AMA License Receipt expires in 30 days. If you have not received your AMA card in the mail after a couple of weeks please call: AMA Membership Director at 800-435-9262 ext. 290 to get your AMA Number. You are responsible for obtaining your numbers.

    Bayou City Flyers needs your AMA number (And FAA UAS Registration number) for our records and to update our Club roster on the AMA website. Please provide it as soon as possible. You can email our Secretary or Treasurer with your AMA number by accessing our website and clicking on the "Members and Membership" tab then the "Contact Us" tab to fill out the email form.

    Your AMA membership along with your Bayou City Flyers Membership Expire each year on December 31st at midnight and should be renewed before January 1st for the upcoming year. Please renew so you can continue to fly at AMA fields.

    The Bayou City Flyers membership period is from January through December. If your membersip is not renewed by January 31st of the new year, you will not receive the new entrance code to the clubhouse.

    The AMA advises members to register at the FAA sUAS website (see below). A FAA registration number is required by BCF. FAA help number: (877) 396-4636.

    Additional information/links:
    AMA website:
    FAA sUAS website:

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